UX/UI Designer with coding knowledge

I started off in journalism, working as a reporter and a web content editor, and then teaching in web development and UI/UX Design. I have also done freelance projects in web design and workshops in Adobe software, programming and WordPress. After a few years I set out to grow my skill set in Front-end Development and UX Design.

I believe that my background as a journalist and a teacher is a great foundation to create and design user experiences that are user-centric, pedagogical and accessible. Knowing both code and design makes it easier to work in a diverse team.

My skills

I have a diverse range of skills, from UX and UI design to coding or creating websites in Webflow or in WordPress. I also enjoy writing and have strong communications skills as well as pedagogical skills.

UX Design

UI Design





UX Research

Web Development


Mission Statement

My mission is to design user-focused experiences that are accessible and ethical. By combining my diverse knowledge of communication, visual design, education, and technology, I hope to live up to my mission, and continue to learn from all experiences in life.


Main Education

  • UX Designer Upskill, Hyper Island, Sweden
  • Front-End Developer, Medieinstitutet, Sweden
  • UX Design Courses, Interaction Design Foundation
  • Google UX Designer Diploma, Coursera
  • Bachelor of Arts in Journalism, Edinburgh Napier Uni

On My Book Shelf

  • “The Design of Everyday Things” by Don Norman
  • “Designing Interfaces" by Jenifer Tidwell, Charles Brewer & Ayanne Valencia
  • "Just Enough Research" by Erika Hall
  • “Lean UX” by Jeff Gothelf with Josh Seiden
  • “Don't Make Me Think” by Steve Krug